Wednesday, August 20, 2008


ugh. that is my foremost thought, my foremost reaction, as i contemplate the piles and stacks of things that need to be unpacked. how did we ever manage to accumulate so much crap? it boggles the mind. i couldn't believe what came out of our storage space. i swear to god that those boxes had babies - there's so much stuff!!! i plan to use unpacking as a good time to whittle down and sell or donate things we don't use or don't need because there's definately enough of it! i thought i did an alright job with paring down before we left but i can see that i could have done better. and to think we paid to move stuff i plan to get rid of - ouch. live and learn really stinks sometimes.

on a more chipper note, we are going to chicago this weekend for a wedding and i am really looking forward to it! it's kind of sad when you feel like you have to leave town to get a break from all the moving stuff, but that's how i feel and i'm really looking forward to waking up in the hotel and being absolutely unable to do anything related to moving. what a delicious feeling that will be!

Friday, August 15, 2008

do you know the way to san jose?

for your viewing pleasure, a few pictures of the new abode. we are doing our first phase of moving this weekend - pray for us!!!

the living room (with and without zinger):

the tiny dining room:

the equally tiny kitchen:

the lounge (note wood burning stove through door):

the deck:

that's it for now. it's a blur of packing and getting ready. i often get sick after moving, so let's hope that doesn't happen this time!

Monday, August 11, 2008


can you say holy stressed out, batman? my mind is literally swimming with all the things i need to do for our impending move. change our address with the post office, friends and family, doctors and dentist, bills and magazines, register to vote, start service for utilities, rent the trucks for moving, line up help (have had a good response there, so far and thank God!), find a new mechanic, hair stylist, vet, and get tommy micro-chipped before we move. there's got to be lots more that i am forgetting, i am sure. the list goes on and on and on. my brain hurts.

that said, moving into a really nice place in a really nice neighborhood ten minutes away from work is indeed a quality problem. as my brother once said, it's not like i'm looking for a better cardboard box to spend the night in, so yes, it's stressful, but i realize it could be worse. i originally thought moving over two weekends would be good, and it may end up being so, who knows? but i'm starting to wonder. we're going to a wedding in chicago the weekend after this so we're mostly moving this weekend and finishing up the last weekend of the month. on the one hand it seems pretty helpful, a we've-got-so-much-time-don't-have-to-be-frantic kind of thing. and we don't have to be frantic insofar as moving out of our current accommodations since no one is moving in after us, and that's good because my honey has so much stuff at jimbo's it's not funny. he's gonna need months to move it all. but the downside of no pressure to be completely out is the move that never ends. i really don't want that move. i want to move, spend three weeks unpacking and organizing and then be DONE! no more moving for several years - at least. well, i guess i can shoot for what i want and see what i end up with. it'll probably be something in the middle of the two extremes. just so long as it's not too much more than my three week ideal. i like being settled. like herbie, i fear change, even as i rush out to make it happen. herbie is an anxious little creature and that's why we get along so well - i can relate! my anxiety just kicks into uber high gear when this kind of stuff is on the agenda.

well, worst case scenario i can always drink! not a long-term solution, i know, but a few strategic bottles of wine will probably work wonders. :)