Tuesday, December 18, 2007

there is so not anything going on at all that i'm not even sure why i'm posting! i'm finally getting over the flu, which is nice, but it means i've done jack for the past ten days or so, thus having nothing to really capture anyone's imagination with. i got a flu shot, but managed to get a strain of flu that wasn't in it, which is just insulting, as was getting sick on a saturday. wah wah wah!

it's very rainy here in nocal which is all to the good as we need it, but you know what? it's not just pittsburghers who can't drive in the rain. there are so many yahoos on the road here and people just get stupid in the rain, going too fast or too slow. my favorites are the folks who, in already slow traffic, somehow manage to be left-lane bandits. i think you need a God-given talent for that one.

one cute christmas-y story for you, about a christmas card delivered 93 years late. who says the u.s. mail doesn't get the job done? :)

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