Tuesday, October 7, 2008

sorry to be missing in action; the moving thing has consumed my life. happily i can report that the house is 90% together. still a few boxes to be unpacked/moved out of the living room and lounge. the bedroom needs a bit of work... several "no where to put them just yet" boxes have been dumped there, and i need to find a home for all the crap on top of the buffet. mostly my crap, not drew's, i have to be fair. not ALL of the stuff in the way is his. he's done a tremendous job getting his computer stuff stowed and out of the way, i must say.

so the last bit of moving will be on sunday. hmmm... guess i better reserve a truck, huh? it's the stuff in trump's garage and then we'll be totally out of santa cruz. where we are going to put any of this stuff is anyone's guess, though i suppose the garage is where. too bad we don't have a nice, attached modern garage like at trump's place. we have an old, detached, vermin infested garage. i suppose old fashioned charm comes at a price, and ours is a funky garage. drew put out rat/mouse poison, so hopefully we will see some improvement there. die little ratties, die! having rats in california isn't quite the same as having them, say, in pgh, but it's still gross. with the climate being so mild rats live in palm (and presumably other) trees out here, so a place doesn't have to be dirty to get rats, just unattended. i'm guessing the people before us in our place either didn't use the garage much, or the rats made a remarkable comeback in the two months or so it was on the market for rent. at any rate, we are hoping a sustained poisoning campaign and tommy, rat family killer, will do the trick. don't worry... the kitties and zinger cannot get into the garage unless it's open and we're really on top of keeping them out when it is. that's the last thing we need, believe me.

how we did the commute from santa cruz for so long is beyond me. it seems so far and such a hassle away. on friday we went home, walked and fed the dog, made and ate dinner and were watching a movie (american treasure: book of secrets; fluffy and fun) when i realized it wasn't quite 9 pm. drew had this realization at pretty much the same time i did and we couldn't believe we'd done all that stuff and it was still so early. if we were still in santa cruz we'd have been maybe finishing up, more likely eating, dinner. this 15 minute commute is rocking! i miss the beach, but not enough to do that commute anymore. and eventually we'll normalize and heading to santa cruz for the weekend won't seem so laborious. we're both so tired right now that even the though makes me exhausted. thank God the moving is almost done! :)


Darx said...

Ack, aren't you worried about Tommy catching a poisoned mouse? Glad to hear you've got more time for your life and not spending it on the commute.

A.M. said...

well, i wasn't until now. :_(