Monday, October 19, 2009

the long hiatus is over

almost a year seemed as good enough a reason as any to jump-start ye olde blog. if anyone out there might still care, that is.

life in california is treating me well, i am happy to report, though our cats are going to put us in the poorhouse. chiana has had vet bills out the wazoo lately due to what the vets euphemistically refer to as a "grooming accident" (my fault and yes, i am a terrible cat mom). of course it was after 10 pm so we had to go to the ER vet. now it seems tommy has some sort of infected bite on his face so we're going to the vet tomorrow. he and herbie were mixing it up the other day and neither escaped unscathed. the only silver lining to all the carnage is our aspca pet insurance. chiana's reimbursed bills this year alone (from the aforementioned incident as well as a sick-puking-episode) covered all of this year's cat policies (three), and who knows? maybe tommy's visit will pay for the dog's. the pet insurance itself is okay. i'd be happier about it but like any other insurance company they kind of suck. they discount amounts that they determine are "above usual rates" and then only reimburse 80% of what's left, to work out to a 55 - 65% reimbursement rate. it's still better than a zero reimbursement rate, but it's annoying.

there really isn't much else going on since we are pretty boring which, as i've said before, makes for bad stories but good living. it's not even halloween and i am already looking forward to thanksgiving and christmas! i got the latest williams-sonoma catalogue and was drooling over it like a pervert at a peep show. i am jonesing for their new roast pan but, sheesh! $280? is that really necessary? drew of course said "get it!" since he likes to encourage anything cooking-related and just likes spoiling me, but i cannot part with that much cash, even for all-clad. i am going to check it out at the store and compare the two sizes, then look on ebay.

i am also really excited about christmas, which is a change from last year. this year we're staying home, which means putting up a tree, decorating, watching christmas specials, listening to my charlie brown christmas cd, and setting up my fontanini nativity which i love in an almost co-dependent way. my friend sara calls it the club med nativity on account of the palm tree. i'd love to buy a few more pieces but i don't think i can indulge that whim this year, either. we have a few extra lambs and the shepherd carrying the lamb over his shoulders. i always loved that one as a kid.
and baking with my sister is another christmas festivity i am happily anticipating. we did the uber bake-a-thon last year, a good 12 hours of christmas cookie baking and decorating, last year. we decided we'd have to spread it over two days next time and that being the case i am going to make the mini panetonne from my martha stewart living christmas cookbook! i have been threatening to for several years but this year i'm doing it.

so, with christmas dreams and plans and roast pans on my mind, i bid you adieu. for now.

1 comment:

Darx said...

Hooray, glad you're back!