Thursday, November 8, 2007

heritage turkeys, oh my!

gotta say i am feeling so much better the past few days it's not funny, so thank you all for the positive vibes and wishes after my last homesick post. so nice not to be down in the dumps. nothing like talking to mom to get the old head on straight.

well, we took the plunge: we ordered a heritage breed turkey for thanksgiving after reading this article in the nytimes. the turkeys are raised by a farmer, frank reese, jr., who is trying to preserve rare/heritage breeds of turkeys and genetic diversity overall. since the slow food movement and genetic diversity, not to mention good food, are very important to me and my honey, so we decided to get our turkey from farmer reese. we need to start living out our values in the realm a lot more, and what more patriotic way to do so than on thanksgiving? i am really looking forward to our turkey, and if it's half as good as i'm expecting, it'll be worth every frightfully expensive penny. call it enlightened self-interest.

another reason for the great mood is i went to lunch yesterday with a colleague to find out more about scu's resident ministry program and left so excited and jazzed! my colleague is currently a resident minister (rm) and had to lots of valuable information and many insights. the things i was worried about as obstacles are not, in fact, going to be a problem. indeed, one of them (pets) she thinks will be an asset as it's a good way to connect with students. whew!!!! that was a deal breaker. we're a "no pet left behind" kind of family. people who view animals and pets as expendable really make me so angry, but that's another post for another day.

anyway, i am so excited about applying to be a rm! keep your fingers crossed.

last, but by no means least, we just got home after attending a really great lecture by gary macy, professor of religious studies at santa clara university. it was based on his new book, the hidden history of women's ordination, but it covered so much more than that, since he's a historian at heart. gary is such an engaging speaker, really funny, and having met him i can attest to what a completely lovely person he is as well. drew and i enjoyed ourselves immensely.

more later...


Darx said...

I was hoping for a post from you today. Glad you are feeling better. Can't wait to hear about the delicious turkey! I don't know if we can still order one from our local peeps or not. My guess is not. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Unknown said...

Hey... this past weekend was a Dinner Party weekend for the Chirdons! This weekend was the Handmade Arcade at CJ, an event I was totally supposed to get in touch with Allison about, but kept forgetting to do until Friday night, and she had (obviously) already made other plans. (the conversation at home went thusly: "We're going with Allison, right?" "GAH! I forgot to call her!" This happened every evening last week. It was pathetic.)

While we were there, though, we ran into Lisa (not Bischoff, the other Lisa) and her husband who's name totally escapes me because that's so not my forte it's embarrassing. They asked about you and pass on warm greetings.

Then that evening we did pizza and a movie with the Bibers! All is well with them, and more salutations are being channelled your way as well.

I want to thank you for introducing Chris & I to everyone. We would have dug ourselves one hell of a rut were it not for you guys!

LisaBe said...

hey, i found you! thank goodness for ravelry!