Monday, October 29, 2007

another reason why i love my job

so i get into work this morning tired out of my mind. we're talking jaw-cracking-uber-yawn tired here, not your regular garden variety tired. not only was my truly lovely and wonderful niece, rachel, in town and staying with us since last wednesday, but i came down with a really bad cold the same day. thus, i was dragging my all-i-want-to-do-is-sleep-and-blow-my-nose-ass all around the bay area to go and do cool things. can't let a cold, even a nasty one, get in the way of helping rachel see some of the local wonders.

so i come into work bleary eyed and tired, definitely in a "we really need to hit the lottery because i am so over all this working shit" frame of mind, when i notice it. there's a bag of biscotti on my desk that was definitely not there on wednesday. i'm standing there wondering how it got there, and who did the getting, when i read the tag and see that it's from enrico biscotti, which as all pittsburghers know is some of the best biscotti in the world. now how the heck did that get there? after a moment or two (or three or four - i was tired!) comprehension dawned as i realized my boss, bill, got it for me. he was in pittsburgh for a conference last week, so i did what any self-respecting pittsburgher would do: i gave him a list of things to see and do. he didn't have time to do most of what was on the list but he managed to go to enrico biscotti and bring a bag of it back for me. i know i'm easy to please, but it was such a lovely suprise and totally made my day! bill, you rock! :)

since i started my new job i have often felt that i've stumbled into an alternate universe so pleasant and so humane, especially when compared to another work experience i won't mention in detail, that it must be a dream. i mean, it feels like there can be no other explanation. i've decided, for as long as it lasts, that instead of pinching myself to see if it's real, i'm going to make a cup of tea and munch on some biscotti, and think about what i'm going to do and see next time i'm home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. I think, were I you, all sick and snuffly, Enrico Biscotti brought thousands of miles for me would have definitely made me cry. Hell, I'm HERE and I would get all mushy over that. It's just a level of thought one doesn't encounter enough in the big, wide world!