Friday, November 2, 2007

fireworks 101

no offense or anything, but people in santa cruz are retarded when it comes to fireworks. and firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles etc. it's not that they don't love them, because believe me, they do. if anything, they love them too much.

when you think fireworks, you think.... forth of july, new year's even, a winning pirates game (so few and far between they have to do something), and on the west coast or nyc, you might even think chinese new year. am i right? well, in santa cruz, they think fireworks any time from the forth of july on, and while i love firecrackers and bottle rockets as much as the next gal, my dog, zinger, does not. after all the trick or treating excitement was over on wednesday, drew and i took zinger on a walk. and it was a really great, spooky, halloween-y halloween too... totally socked in with fog, so it pretty creepy. especially for those of us with over-active imaginations. we made it out of our cul-de-sac and almost to the end of the next block when some genius sets off a firework. i think it was a bottle rocket, based on the acoustics (high pitched and fading wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, followed by a loud POP!)

what the fuck, people? since when are fireworks, crackers, rockets, etc., fair game for halloween? halloween is jack-o-lanterns and fake cobwebs with over-sized spiders in trees and signs that say "spooky lane" by the front walk, next to the fake tombstones for count dracula and frankenstein. these maroons (thank you, bugs bunny) are continually freaking my dog out! i expect this on the forth of july, and a week before and after. shit, let's be generous and say i expect it for the entire month of july. but october? for fuck's sake! i must say, the little dog really rallied and surpassed my wildest expectations this time. usually, after the initial startlement (complete with tail & ear tuck and pulling on her leash (with a pinch collar) until she's gasping for air), she'll give it to the closest pooping spot (in this case 1.5 blocks away) do her business and then turn around, indicating none too subtly that she is finished with her walk and wants to repair to the safety of her beneath our bed lair. and who can blame her? not only did she pass the poop spot, but she didn't pull on her leash until gasping (though it was taut), and while she did an initial tail and ear tuck, she got through the whole walk, and even managed to wag her tail after a few minutes. if there'd been another firecracker all bets would have been off, but as it was we didn't have any additional displays of santa cruz genius, thank god.

much as i am looking forward to thanksgiving (even though we have no idea what we're doing yet, apart from cooking) if we're in santa cruz i hope it doesn't include fireworks. i hate to think of myself as a bah-humbug kind of gal, but my poor doggie just can't take it.


Darx said...

Poor little Zing-a-ling. I'm with you, fireworks in October is just whacked out crazy time. And hello, fire hazard!

LisaBe said...

oh, i agree. idiots in our 'hood put them off all through july and for weeks around new year's, but usually not the rest of the year, thank goodness. our pups are a wreck when that happens! (that and thunderstorms, of which we get plenty around here.)